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"I like Linux. it is a free, open source operating system, like as Web, Samba, Mail, FTP, VPN server is powered by Linux operating system. In fact, it is free of lunch but technical skill/concept/configuration is involved. I created this tutorial pages for my reference (further working) or linux fans reference.

I collected my work reference and experience to set up this tutorial site. This site is desgined and based on Red-Hat (RedHat/Fedora/CentOS) linux distribution that Yum and RPM packages is required.

Anyway, Enjoy LINUX !!

This site is desgined for displaying both in linux console or web browser. You can view the content via Linux terminal by w3m/lynx. In linux command:

[root@localhost ~]# w3m linux.alanstudio.hk
[root@localhost ~]# lynx linux.alanstudio.hk

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Linux Operating System

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Alan Studio © 2007 by Alan Cheung Hin Lun. All rights reserved.