PPTP error : cannot access website MTU1396

After pptp connection is established , some website cannot access because of win pptp client mppe128 , it used pptp default mtu1396
It will show in /var/log/message "ppp:compressor dropped pkt"


vi /etc/ppp/ip-up.local #!/bin/sh CURRENT_MTU="`ifconfig $1 | grep -Po '(?<=MTU:)([0-9]+)'`" FIXED_MTU="`expr $CURRENT_MTU + 4`" ifconfig $1 mtu $FIXED_MTU echo "Increased MTU for $1 to $FIXED_MTU (from $CURRENT_MTU) to fix MPPE Microsoft Point-to-Point bug #330973" chmod +x /etc/ppp/ip-up.local

Then , try reconnect pptp window client again and check "ifconfig", it will change to mtu1400

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