Squid Configuration
Sample in /etc/squid/squid.htm
vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
http_port 3128
#error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Traditional_Chinese
error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/English
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
### Network and port setting ###
acl all src
acl intranet src
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
### block webmail with word 'mail' ###
acl webmail url_regex -i mail
acl webmail url_regex -i horde
http_access deny webmail
deny_info ERR_WEBMAIL webmail
### block IM ###
acl IM url_regex -i webmessenger.yahoo.com
acl IM url_regex -i gateway.dll
acl IM url_regex -i msn.com
acl IM url_regex -i login.live.com
acl IM url_regex -i icq.com
http_access deny IM
deny_info ERR_IM IM
### block download application ###
acl zip rep_mime_type application/zip
acl exe rep_mime_type application/octet-stream
http_reply_access deny zip
http_reply_access deny exe
http_reply_access allow all
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow intranet
http_access deny all
icp_access allow all
visible_hostname alanstudio.hk
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid

Server is hosted by Alanstudio
Linux Operating System
Recommend screen resolution 1024 x 768 / IE / FireFox
Alan Studio © 2007 by Alan Cheung Hin Lun. All rights reserved.