[root]# tar -ztvf backup.tar.gz /home/backup

Only list all files which are in tar.gz

[root]# tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz /home/backup

Compress whole directory /home/backup to tar file backup.tar.gz

[root]# tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz

Uncompress tar.gz file in current directory

[root]# tar -xzf backup.tgz

Uncompress tgz file in current directory

[root]# unrar x backup.rar

Extract the rar file in current directory

[root]# zip -r foo.zip foo

Zip the 'foo' directory to 'foo.zip'

[root]# unzip -x backup.zip

Extract the zip file in current directory

[root]# zcat message.1.gz |less

To view the .gz file directly

[root]# yum install p7zip
7za x archive.7z

To install 7zip and unzip 7z file

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